Non-Stick Reversible Double Grill wi/Ti-Cerama Coating
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Top positive review
Excellent non-stick griddle without nasty chemicals
By Henry C on Reviewed in the United States on April 4, 2023
I use this to heat up pizza in a toaster oven and it works really well. Overflowing melted cheese does not stick at all, and the griddle helps to crisp up the bottom of the b=pizza. No more smelly smoking toaster oven heating elements with burnt cheese everywhere! Cleanup is really a breeze because nothing sticks at all. No oil needed (in fact you aren't supposed to use any non-stick spray). The only problem so far is a tiny bit of the nn-stick coating flaked off at the edge of the griddle (where it doesn't really matter). I suspect that if it bang the griddle's edge over time, more may come off.
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First use, first impression…
By Rhonda O. on Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2024
I did some research on indoor grills. I’d been thinking about getting Gotham products and decided to take the plunge. I bought the cookware, bakeware, air fryer and grill/griddle. I like making hamburgers at home, but hate the splatter cleanup in the oven. So, I was excited at the thought of making burgers on the stovetop grill. I was using fresh ground beef and each patty was about a quarter pound. I put the grill on the front-right burner, which was the largest burner. I felt the grill and it seemed the heat was evenly distributed, as advertised. I flattened the beef patties out and put them on the Gotham grill. They started splattering after a minute or two. I thought perhaps the heat was too high so I turned the heat down, they continued to splatter. When I tried to turn the patties, the pan kept sliding when I tried to get the turner underneath. The patties did not stick and were easy to remove, as advertised. My flat patties did however, turn into a hockey puck shape. The burger tasted good, not greasy at all. But, Gotham advertises burgers won’t splatter, they do. Pictures show the grease splatter on the stove top after I moved the pan. I do think this item might work well making pancakes on the griddle side. This is as my first use of a Gotham product, I hope I will be more satisfied with the rest of my purchase.
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Excellent non-stick griddle without nasty chemicals
By Henry C - Reviewed in the United States on April 4, 2023
Verified Amazon Purchase
I use this to heat up pizza in a toaster oven and it works really well. Overflowing melted cheese does not stick at all, and the griddle helps to crisp up the bottom of the b=pizza. No more smelly smoking toaster oven heating elements with burnt cheese everywhere! Cleanup is really a breeze because nothing sticks at all. No oil needed (in fact you aren't supposed to use any non-stick spray). The only problem so far is a tiny bit of the nn-stick coating flaked off at the edge of the griddle (where it doesn't really matter). I suspect that if it bang the griddle's edge over time, more may come off.
Awesome stove top grill.
By Evonne Bruce - Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2017
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I would recommend this is the next best thing if a person cannot afford an outside gas grill. I am totally impressed with us as I have used it to do hamburgers on I have even used it to Grill BBQ pork chops on and even my husband is amazed and how the food taste like it was cooked on an outdoor grill the only thing that I do not like about it is that on an outside grill you can pull your Lids Grill down to keep the heat and cook your meat from from the inside out with this you actually have to put a lid over at after you've growed your food on it to cook the inside of your meat I do know that there is a lid specifically made for the from what I've seen But the cost is like 39 99 for the glass lid that fits over this other than that I am fully satisfied with this I have not sprayed my stove Grill at all I cook it on low to medium heat it washes up in a blink of an eye I mean when I did my hamburgers I actually ran it under my kitchen faucet and let hot water run on it and the grease just literally rolled right off of it I highly recommend this product.
Not as good as I thought it would be.
By Sorayya - Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2018
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The flat griddle side works just fine for pancakes, etc. but when I use the grill side, even with spray oil on it, the food sticks and stuff gets in the ridges and is very hard to get clean.
Gotham Steel is extremely durable.
By scoobiedubes - Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2017
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I am a huge fan of these Gotham Steel products. They really are incredibly durable and you don't need any oil to cook with them. I was excited when they came out with this griddle/grill product since it was one of the few items we had that was not one of theirs. I like them so much we bought them for a vacation rental we have too, since I know even rough renters really can't scratch these up! I do wish this was a little bit bigger, or that they had a double-length one available, but I suppose I can just buy two.
First use, first impression…
By Rhonda O. - Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2024
Verified Amazon Purchase
I did some research on indoor grills. I’d been thinking about getting Gotham products and decided to take the plunge. I bought the cookware, bakeware, air fryer and grill/griddle. I like making hamburgers at home, but hate the splatter cleanup in the oven. So, I was excited at the thought of making burgers on the stovetop grill. I was using fresh ground beef and each patty was about a quarter pound. I put the grill on the front-right burner, which was the largest burner. I felt the grill and it seemed the heat was evenly distributed, as advertised. I flattened the beef patties out and put them on the Gotham grill. They started splattering after a minute or two. I thought perhaps the heat was too high so I turned the heat down, they continued to splatter. When I tried to turn the patties, the pan kept sliding when I tried to get the turner underneath. The patties did not stick and were easy to remove, as advertised. My flat patties did however, turn into a hockey puck shape. The burger tasted good, not greasy at all. But, Gotham advertises burgers won’t splatter, they do. Pictures show the grease splatter on the stove top after I moved the pan. I do think this item might work well making pancakes on the griddle side. This is as my first use of a Gotham product, I hope I will be more satisfied with the rest of my purchase.
Heated up really fast, easy to clean.
By Kimme - Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2019
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At first reading the reviews I was discouraged but I decided to take a try and I'm glad that I did like all my other nonstop pans I always use butter or light oil before cooking and thats exactly what I did with the grill side I took piece of paper towel and seasoned the grill lightly with butter. Food came out perfect and clean up was super easy. The instructions said no spray on oil so I'm guessing thats where everyone went wrong and even though a product might say non stick its always best to use butter/oil prior to cooking for longevity and easy clean up.
They don't stand by their claims
By Laura LG - Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2020
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I cook a lot and I have been drawn to these copper-coated products for non-stick durability. Sadly, this product does not stand by its claims, 'slides right off'. I used it once or twice it seemed okay, not great, but okay. Then the griddle side started to blacken (which won't come off) when I used the grill side and everything began to stick or smoke. Heat is not evenly distributed so only that which is in the center cooks. I thought perhaps I got a faulty product. The coating was grainy, not smooth (I bought one from Copper Chef as well and the surface is very smooth) I gave them the opportunity to fix the problem by either a replacement or refund (it was past Amazon refund time) but when I contacted customer service they said to send it back at my expense AND include a check for $9.95 and they would send me a "replacement". Why would I spend more of my money on their bad product? They apparently don't stand by their claims and customer service didn't put too much effort towards helping me. I won't be spending any more on their products.
By Mary - Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2019
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I love these sooo much, I bought another set! I know they say non-stick but at my age (56) I know to take out a wee bit of insurance on ANYTHING & EVERYTHING that says “Non-stick”! I take a piece of paper towel or a basting brush and just spread a small and I mean small amount of butter, oil, bacon grease corner to corner and all over and I have had no problems! And you are ready to cook! One thing folks-DO NOT SPRAY ANY TYPE OF SPRAY NONE STICK ON IT! It will build up and then you might as well throw it away! ALSO-DO NOT USE CITRUS BASED DISH SOAPS OF ANY KIND! For some reason, citrus based dish soap strips away at the none stick base! DO NOT USE IT FOR HAND WASHING DISHES OR THE DISHWASHER! These advices I have learned over time!
Nonstick, easy clean up if you follow directions
By FLG8tr - Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2022
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The first time I had these I screwed them up and had to toss them. All my own fault: I didn't follow their instructions. Bought again and this time I did it right, and this works great and cleanup is a breeze. First, don't use Pam, butter, grilling spray or anything else to "grease" it; you don't need to do any of that and if you do you'll ruin it. Next, don't use it with metal utensils. Finally, don 't use it on anything higher than medium heat Follow those simple rules and it will work as promised. I've used it on my grill a few times and it works great.
Works like a charm
By Chris - Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2020
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I use this to make pancakes, fritters and anything else on my stove that I want to fry without oil. The coating on this pan is great, just don't cut on it with anything metal. My other Gotham pan was scratched and I won't make that mistake again with this one. Also, don't quench this pan with cold water right after using it. There's a good chance it will warp or the coating will flake off. Highly recommend this for anyone who wants to cook without oil.
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