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4.1 out of 5 stars

Pyle Home 300W Digital Stereo Receiver System (Open Box)

$148.99 62% off Reference Price
Condition: New; Open Box
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Top positive review
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Works well as advertised
By Ken Phillipson on Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2013
I recently purchased the PT 270 AIU to have an outdoor stereo around our pool. I was interested to have many formats to play music from so this receiver was attractive. I generally play music from an ipod, MP3,or USB, but my wife was adamant that it have FM as she likes to listen to NPR or talk radio while reading her Kindle. After checking pawn shops for older low budget receivers, I thought this unit would have all of the options we wanted built in, for an awesome price, and it does.First off, many of the comments on here are spot on, and should be noted. Such as; mysteriously an on/off switch has been left off the remote, the input does revert to DVD each time you turn it on, as well as the volume is turned low (a benefit). The dancing lights although pleasant, give the impression it is an equalizer, which it isn't. Our fan is quiet, and I hope it stays that way, but I keep it in a suncast plastic outdoor cabinet, and you can't hear it. Manual is completely devoid of instructions, but who reads those anyway. The FM antenna is not worth using, and I suspect this is why many say the receiver does not work. Just take some extra speaker wire and hook it up and you will have a better one than supplied with the unit.Let me put some of the bad comments that I read in the review to rest. First everything on my unit works. Ipod, MP3, USB, FM, AM, Volume, Treble, Bass, Microphone, Remote, AM antenna, all switches, etc... I do not have a low level buzz or hum as many have claimed. I assume they have either a poor connection with their speakers, or some other electrical issue such as a poor ground. The ipod dock and built in retractable audio cord for an mp3 player work fine, make sure your players volume is turned up as that does effect volume levels!. However, the receiver does not automatically "find" your devices if plugged in, you must use the input switch and change it to the ipod/usb device. This is normal for a receiver (it's not a plug and play computer). The receiver is "defaulted" to be used as a home theater - with the DVD set as the "default" input at each start up. The station search does work on the receiver, as do the station pre-sets (and they do hold their memory), but you do have to figure out how to use them, as the manual gives no real instructions. The search function literally found all of the stations my car can, without static, radio works well and pulls a good signal. Volume with 4 Dual outdoor speakers is plenty loud for our deck. All in all, I am surprisingly happy with the purchase, and as long as it keeps running would highly recommend/purchase this product.
Top critical review
17 people found this helpful
Lots of Features for The Money, but With Significant Limitations
By D. Tews on Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2016
The Pyle PT270AIU stereo receiver features an unusually broad feature set for its modest price, but not without a few limitations and caveats.First, one must be aware the iPod docking station is years out of date. It has the original, large 30 pin connector used on iPods and iPhones up through the iPhone 4. Without a lightning connector (or adapter), it’s not usable on later models. The dock is also not wide enough to fit some newer devices.A stereo mini plug on a retractable cable is also available, so a phone, iPod, or MP3 player could be plugged in that way. That’s assuming it will slide into the docking space. As mentioned, many newer devices won’t go in there. And of course, if you can’t utilize the built in 30 pin connector, remote control access is not available either.For its modest price, the receiver does offer a few surprise features. Probably the most useless of these (for most people) is the ability to plug in a microphone. The mic input not only has a dedicated volume control, but dedicated bass and treble controls as well. Unless you’re into karaoke, I can’t imagine must use for such a thing in a receiver.Other features however, are decidedly more useful for most people. It has the ability to choose between two different sets of speakers, or use both simultaneously. Though not unusual for more expensive systems, it’s a nice touch on a device at this price point.The receiver also has a subwoofer output with front panel adjustable level control. This is also a very nice feature at this price point. (And this is something I happened to need.)The Pyle has inputs for SD cards and USB sticks…a very nice touch indeed. However, nowhere does the instruction manual list which audio formats are supported—a serious omission.Despite these modern input choices, the receiver falls short when it comes to physical inputs. It has only one set of RCA sockets on the back labeled “CD/DVD”. That’s it. So if a person has a CD player and a flat screen tv they wish to plug in, you’re out of luck—almost. If one is not using the dock on the top of receiver, you have the option of using the mini plug up there as another input. One would have to buy an extension and/or adapters, but it could be pressed into service in a pinch. It’s unfortunate they didn’t include at least one more physical input.The receiver does have a built-in cooling fan, which kicked in when I first turned the unit on. However, I later noticed with my background music playing, it was off. So at least in my environment, it doesn’t seem to be an issue.My biggest complaint about this receiver is the utterly useless, idiotic “equalizer display”. It has seven, multicolored vertical bars which constantly flash—even when there is nothing playing. If the music gets above a certain level it will function as a glitzy volume indicator, but that’s it. It does not actually show the output of the marked frequency ranges. Rather they all move together regardless of the input. And with nothing playing, they still move…from bottom to top…from top to bottom… As a tech, I can testify this thing serves no purpose whatsoever, other than to impress those who are fascinated by glitzy stuff. Other than that, it’s completely useless. Personally, I find it VERY distracting and plan to tape over it.I unfortunately have to add one more complaint: This product (as with many Chinese devices) has a woefully inadequate instruction manual. The receiver comes with a few additional, separate pieces, but these are not mentioned, or even illustrated in the manual. After playing around, I discovered one piece screws into the dock and acts like a back rest for an iPod.As a tech, I also recognized an FM antenna and a separate AM antenna. However, to many people, these are just pieces of wire; how are they supposed to know which is which? I’m also left with one mystery piece of plastic. I’m not certain, but I suspect it may be a mount for the AM antenna so it could be fastened to a wall. However, without any mention whatsoever in the instructions, how is a person to be certain?Other than a few pictures and labels, this manual is greatly lacking. A manual this inadequate deserves a demotion of at least one star.In conclusion, the Pyle PT270AIU is a mixed blessing. It offers a lot for a very minimal price. However, only one physical input on the back could be a sticking point for some people, as most receivers have inputs for at least several pieces of equipment. By using the dock min-plug, you could conceivably have two inputs, but that’s it. This limitation plus the very poor instruction manual limits my rating to only 3 stars.However, if it does meet a person’s needs (as it does mine) the price makes it attractive indeed. Now all I have to do is tape over that ridiculous, non-stop flashing display…

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